Jul 21, 2011

The Elephant Clock


Have you ever seen the picture above?
Yes...it's an elephant, below of it. But, what's at the top?
Well....as stated on the title, it's a clock.
The Elephant Clock, that was it name

On previous post, which was about The Middle Age, there was a video about a montage at an exhibition held at London's Science Museum on 21st of January 2010. In the video there are a number of Muslim Scholars showing their invention and one of them was Al-Jazari.

These Giant Elephant Clock was one of the most outstanding invention created by Al-Jazari. Al-Jazari is one of our Muslim Scholars....remember that. That is our pride as a muslim. To know more about Al-Jazari, you can read for yourself here:
Al-Jazari and the history of water-clock

The video below describe about the Elephant Clock invent by Al-Jazari and how it works. From what i know, it uses water-buoyancy theory and combine with others idea. The various elements of the clock are in the housing on top of the elephant. They were designed to move and make a sound each half hour.

Do have fun enjoying it....

In addition to its mechanical innovations, the clock itself is seen as an early example of multiculturalism represented in technology. The elephant represents the Indian and African cultures, the dragon represents Chinese culture, the phoenix represents ancient Egyptian culture, the water work represents ancient Greek culture, and the turban represents Islamic cultures.

To those who are really really wanted to see this huge magnifient ancient Islamic invention, you still have a chance. A modern full-size working reproduction can be found as a centrepiece in the Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Another working reproduction can be seen outside the Musée d'Horlogerie du Locle, Château des Monts, in Le Locle, Switzerland, and one at the Institute for the History of Arab-Islamic Science in Frankfurt, Germany.

Elephant clock centrepiece in the
Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Last but not least, please share this with others. It's knowledge....and most important thing is it's an invention from our own muslim scholars. So, it's our pride. Don't let our fellow brother don't know about this Islamic invention.

Thanks for reading, salam~

Jul 17, 2011

The Middle Age- Golden Age of Islam Empire


In these post, i want to show something that i've found while surfing the world without boundaries-web. As stated in the title, The Golden Age of Islam or more specifically during the the Abbasiyah Empire in Baghdad. During this time, all of the knowledge from around the globe; Parsi, Rome, China and so on were gathered in Baghdad and were having an improvement and a translation to most language of the world.

Bernard Lewis wrote that Islamic governments inherited:

"the knowledge and skills of the ancient Middle East of Greece and of Persia. They added new and important innovations from outside, such as the manufacture of paper from China and decimal positional numbering from India. "

(source : wikipedia)

So, during my loafing time on the world wide web, i've found this astonishing video about the 1001 Inventions: The Library of secrets which is the name of an exhibition that was held at London Science Museum. Its like....wow! What a good job done by them to show the truth of the Golden Age of Islam. Have fun watching the video...

Significant number of inventions were developed in the medieval Islamic world, a geopolitical region that has at various times extended from Spain and Africa in the west to the Indian subcontinent and Malay Archipelago in the east. The inventions were developed during the medieval Islamic world, which covers the period from the early Caliphate to the later Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal empires. In particular, the majority of inventions here date back to the Islamic Golden Age, which is traditionally dated from the 8th to the 13th centuries, but has been extended to the 15th century by recent scholarship.

So, from this video, most of the modern technological tools nowadays were actually based on the contribution of Muslim scholars and scientist.


Around the year 1,000, the celebrated doctor Al Zahrawi published a 1,500 page illustrated encyclopedia of surgery that was used in Europe as a medical reference for the next 500 years. Among his many inventions, Zahrawi discovered the use of dissolving cat gut to stitch wounds — beforehand a second surgery had to be performed to remove sutures. He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair of forceps.

Flying machine:

Though now we called it as aeroplane....and most of us knew that an idea to create aeroplane came from the Wrights-sibling when they saw a bird flying free in the sky. But actually, it was before it, during the medievel age (Golden Age of Islam). Abbas ibn Firnas was the first person to make a real attempt to construct a flying machine and fly. In the 9th century he designed a winged apparatus, roughly resembling a bird costume. In his most famous trial near Cordoba in Spain, Firnas flew upward for a few moments, before falling to the ground and partially breaking his back. His designs would undoubtedly have been an inspiration for famed Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vincis hundreds of years later.

The Great Islam Empire

My fellow brothers,
Look at our ancestor....what they have achieved during our Golden Age.
Unfortunately, look at us right now?
It seems like we have nothing.
We were even being called a terrorist.
Muslim is a terrorist. What is these?
What has happened to us?
Where are our glorious days had gone?
Why can't we repeat the history?
The history of our Golden Age....
Come on Muslim, my fellow brothers,
Let's stand up together and bring back our glory days,
It's time for us....
For us to show exactly who we are,
We'll conquer this earth again!

With that, wassalam...

Jul 9, 2011

Isu politik Malaysia? Apa itu demokrasi?


Untuk post kali ni, aku nk menceritakn serba sedikit mengenai sistem pemilihan kerajaan di negara kita. Ni post pertama aku berkaitan bab2 politik. Pabila umur meningkat dewasa, pemikiran bertambah matang, aku mula memikirkan masalah2 yang melanda.

Sebenarnya, aku mmg x minat bab2 politik ni....seyesly dan jujur aku katakan, ilmu aku dlm bab ni agk cetek. Tp x la smpai taraf 'buta' dan xtau lngsung pasal isu ni. Sesungguhnya junjungan kita, Rasulullah telah bersabda di mana aytnya bermaksud "Barangsiapa yang tidak mengambil berat sesuatu isu kaumnya, maka dia bukanlah tergolong dalam kaum tersebut."


Luahan isi hati hamba diiringi ilmu yang tidak seberapa.....*freedom of speech

Sebenarnya, aku nak menceritakn ttg sistem demokrasi yg diamalkan di negara tercinta ini, Malaysia. Dengar sahaja perkataan "demokrasi", rasa-rasanya semua dh sedia maklum bahawa demokrasi ialah sistem di mana rakyat berkuasa menentukan/memilih pemimpin atau sesebuah kerajaan.

Bagiku, sistem ini adalah sistem yang paling sesuai diamalkan kerana penuh dengan unsur2 keadilan dan kemanusiaan. Jika nk dibandingkn dengan sistem pemerintahan lain; pemerintahan warisan, diktator, dll.

Namun, dalam sedar x sedar, sistem demokrasi yang diamalkan kini agak tergelincir daripada landasan yang sebenar. Ya, memang benar rakyat masih 'berkuasa' memilih pemimpin....namun cara pelaksaannya agak kurang tepat. Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, sila teruskan bacaan.

Berikut adalah nota yg aku jumpa ketika duk leka di dunia maya ini & mesej yg hndak dismpaikan amatlah menusuk sanubari. Diharap para pembaca juga dapt menerima mesej trsebut.


Perbezaan politik yang diamalkn kini &
politik yang diamalkan junjungan mulia kita, Rasulullah SAW

Dalam pesanan ringkas ini,
saya ingin membawa semua pembaca supaya berfikir sejenak,
dan mengambil tindakan sesuai dengan logik akal.
Dalam dunia yang dipenuhi segala propaganda,
kita mesti bijak menapis segala maklumat yang ada,
bukannya menjadi seperti lembu yang dicucuk hidung.
Gunakan akal anda.
Bertindak dengan bijak.

Saya menujukan pesanan ini khusus kepada orang Islam di Malaysia atau Muslim Malaysia,
khasnya orang Melayu kerana mereka adalah tunjang kepada majoriti umat Islam di Malaysia.
Saya mulakan dengan realiti politik di Malaysia.
Kebanyakan dari kita tahu bahawa kita mengamalkan demokrasi.
Demokrasi secara mudah ialah kerajaan yang dipilih oleh rakyat.
Demokrasi menghendaki pemilihan oleh orang ramai,
maka untuk tujuan propaganda,
muncullah parti-parti politik.
Sekumpulan orang yang berkerjasama untuk meraih undi lebih berkesan
dari hanya satu individu bekerja untuk meminta simpati orang ramai.
Sistem ini menyebabkan timbulnya satu petua penting untuk menjadi juara demokrasi;
siapa meraih undi paling banyak,
dialah juara.
Maka untuk maksud ini,
muncullah hukum Machiavelli-matlamat menghalalkan cara.
Penganut-penganut demokrasi dihalalkan menggunakan apa jua cara
untuk mencapai undi paling maksimum.
Anda boleh memakihamun,
menjatuhkan maruah lawan,
mengeluarkan video lucah atau lompat parti.
Anda boleh merasuah pengundi,
menabur janji palsu atau menipu undi pos.
Anda juga boleh mencetak beribu-ribu kad pengenalan palsu,
memberi kerakyatan kepada warga asing
atau membenarkan pengundi mengundi dua kali atau berkali-kali.
Anda boleh membuat persempadanan semula,
merasuah suruhanjaya pilihanraya atau sekatan media.
Banyak cara sebenarnya anda boleh lakukan untuk meraih undi.
Ingat peraturan terpenting demokrasi ialah UNDI.
UNDI ialah Tuhan demokrasi.
Dari rakyat kepada rakyat.
Tidak kisah dengan cara apa sekalipun anda mendapatkan undi
tetapi anda mesti memiliki undi secukupnya untuk menang.
Dalam sistem demokrasi,
dari 9 orang bodoh dan seorang yang bijak,
sistem akan mengangkat salah seorang dari orang-orang bodoh itu.
Orang yang bijak itu hanya memiliki kebarangkalian 0.1% untuk menang.
Maksudnya orang bijak itu mustahil untuk menang sehinggalah kesemua orang bodoh tadi mati.

Adakah kini kita menjadi pencatur atau kita sendiri dicaturkan?

Dalam sistem Islam,
secara ringkasnya,
kita mempunyai satu majlis pemilihan yang dinamakan Syura.
Syura ini terdiri dari kalangan bijak pandai,
alim ulama,
mereka yang terpilih hasil sokongan orang ramai.
Syura bukanlah kerajaan,
tetapi mereka bertanggungjawab untuk memilih kerajaan.
Jadi nampak di sini,
bahawa kebarangkalian untuk mendapat kerajaan yang bodoh amat tipis.
Orang bijak yang memilih kerajaan,
bukan majoriti.
Ini adalah sistem Islam.
Ini adalah sistem yang diajar oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Ketika nabi wafat,
para sahabat nabi yang terpilih berbincang untuk memilih pengganti nabi
bagi memikul tanggungjawab memimpin umat Islam.
Para sahabat tidak mengadakan pilihanraya.
Mereka tidak menubuhkan parti.
Mereka tidak terjerit-jerit di jalanan.
Para sahabat nabi tidak kenal apa itu demonstrasi atau tunjuk perasaan.
Mereka tidak hantar memorandum ke pada raja Mekah.
Mereka hantar doa hanya kepada Allah Azza Wa Jalla.
Mereka bermesyuarat dan melaksanakan solat istikharah.
Bukan buang masa terpekik terlolong di jalanan.

Adakah kita menjadi pencatur atau kita dicaturkan?

Dalam situasi di negara kita,
kita maklum bahawa sistem politik yang diamalkan ialah
Ini hasil penjajahan pemikaran orientalis di seluruh dunia.
Bukan sahaja kita yang terkena,
malah Thailand sebagai contoh juga mengamalkan demokrasi
walaupun majoritinya Buddha.
Ini boleh dipertimbangkan kerana
Gautama Buddha tidak pernah mengajarkan sistem politik kepada murid-muridnya.
Namun Islam telah mengajarkan bagaimana untuk menguruskan pemerintahan.
Bagaimana untuk mentadbir sebuah negara.
Sistem Syariah di Malaysia berjaya mendaulat bab munakahah,
iaitu hal ehwal kekeluargaan Islam.
Sistem ekonomi Malaysia semakin maju mendaulatkan bab muamalat,
urusan sesama manusia dalam konteks ini,hal ehwal kewangan Islam.
Sistem ekonomi Islam baru popular sejak pertengahan 90-an setelah orang ramai nampak
dan ia adalah pilihan (option) yang terbaik bagi mereka
yang ingin lari dari sistem kapitalis yang bertuhankan kadar faedah,bunga atau penindasan ekonomi.
Bila orang hendak kahwin,
mereka mahukan syariat.
Bila mahu berurusan dalam jual beli atau kewangan,
mereka mahukan syariat.
Namun bila mahu mentadbir negara,
mereka buang syariat.
Adakah hukum AlQuran boleh diambil dan dibuang sesuka hati?

Adakah kita menjadi pencatur atau kita dicaturkan?

Di dunia,
anda boleh terlepas bebas,
namun di akhirat anda tidak boleh lari.
Cukuplah dengan kenyataan bahawa anda dan saya akan mati suatu hari nanti.
Adakah saya dan anda boleh lari dari kematian?
Tunku Abdul Rahman,
Tun Abdul Razak
dan Tun Hussein Onn telah dipanggil pulang oleh Ilahi dan mereka akan ditanya,
mengapa tidak jalankan hukum-Nya ketika memegang kuasa nombor satu di Malaysia?
Mereka pasti ditanya sebab hukum-Nya tertulis jelas dalam AlQuran.
Adalah Allah s.w.t menurunkan hukum Hudud hanya untuk dipermainkan?
Adakah hukum Hudud boleh dijual dengan harga 'Negara Kebajikan'?
Apa itu 'Negara Kebajikan'?
Rasulullah s.a.w pernah atau tidak bercakap tentang Negara Kebajikan?
Mengapa begitu bodoh sekali sehingga menggadaikan hukum-Nya di telapak kaki musuh-musuh Islam?

jika anda berusaha sepanjang hidup anda untuk menegakkan hukum-Nya
namun masih tidak berjaya,
anda memiliki alasan di hadapan Allah di akhirat nanti.
Namun apabila anda buang hukum-Nya
dan menggantikan dengan 'Negara Kebajikan' atau seangkatan dengannya,
apakah lagi alasan anda di hadapan Allah?
Anda layak diletakkan di kelompok para Sekular dan Komunis yang anda kecam
dan makihamun semasa di dunia.

adakah kita menjadi pencatur atau kita dicaturkan?

Fikir2 kan dan renung2kan lah.....

Bukan mudah sebenarnya untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin, tanggungjawab dan amanah yang dipikul amatlah besar. Oleh itu, laksanakanlah amanah yang diberi dengan sebaik2nya. Sesungguhnya kita akan dipersoalkan mengenainya di akhirat kelak.

Boleh dapatkan senaskah buku "berpolitik gaya Khulafa Ar-Rasyidin" di kedai buku berhampiran anda sebagai bahan rujukan.

Akhir kata, hayatilah ayt ini :

‘Adapun raja-raja itu umpama api, segala perdana menteri umpama kayu, kerana api itu jikalau tiada kayu tiada akan nyala…ra’ayat itu umpama akar, raja itu umpama pohonnya; jikalau tiada akar nescaya pohon tiada akan dapat berdiri. Demikian raja-raja itu dengan segala ra’ayatnya …jikalau kau bunuh ia (ra’ayatmu) dengan tiada dosanya, bahawa kerajaanmu binasa’.

Wasiat Sultan Alauddin Syah kepada anaknya yang bakal menggantikannya...

Sekian, wassalam.
(jikalau ada salah silap dan kekurangan harap dimaafi, segala teguran dan pandangan amatlah digalakkan)

Jul 2, 2011



Di saat jari-jemari pantas menekan papan kekunci laptop Acer Aspire-ku ini, jarum saat tepat menghabiskan satu putaran yakni membawa erti telah masuk minit yang seterusnya. Kala ini, ruang masa mencatatkan 2 Julai 2011, 3.10 pagi. Malam minggu....

Kebiasaan malam minggu bagiku adalah malam keseronokan...untuk dienjoy dengan futsal, shisha, muvi atau sebagainya. Natijahnya saat ini, hatiku bergelumang dengan perasaan takut dan risau.
*Don't be afraid....it proves that u're a human. Human do have feeling.
Yeah, rite....do have feeling. But that's an uneasy feeling.
Coz what? (Apa la aku mengarut ni? *%&$#)

Kehidupan sebagai pelajar tidak lain tidak bukan adalal untuk belajar. Jadi untuk menguji sejauh mana kefahaman kita trhadap pembelajaran tersebut, diadakan satu sistem iaitu sistem peperiksaan.

*Berdasarkan fakta sejarah yang aku tahu, sejarah sistem peperiksaan ini dimulakan oleh Dinasti Cina, iaitu apabila terdapat 2 jenis peperiksaan; peperiksaan umum & peperiksaan khas. Tujuannya....adalah untuk melantik pembesar negara di samping mendidik anak muda mereka memahami budaya dan kehidupan masyarakatnya.
(Ok, ter-mengarut lagi....*&%#@*)

Ok, abaikan dulu bab sejarah....telah 3 tahun aku tinggalkn matapelajaran sejarah. Almaklumlah, pelajar jurusan kejuruteraan, lebih mementingkan teori sains & perkiraan berbanding fakta hafalan.

My exam slip for this semester...

Mungkin gambar di atas agak kabur, jadi di sini aku senaraikan matapelajaran-ku...

Senarai matapelajaran :

1. Mathematics 3
2. Integrated Japanese
3. Mechanics of Materials 2
4. Thermodynamics 1
5. Machine Design 1
6. Mechanical Instrumentation
7. Mechanism & Machine Elements
8. Experiments in Mechanical Engineering 1
9. Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 1

Ok, 9 subjek semuanya....jadi, kepada semua yang membaca postku ini, tolong lah doa2kan kejayaanku ini. Semoga aku akan berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran ke Jepun sepertimana yang dirancang. Insya Allah...

My examination starts on 4th of July 2011. This upcoming Monday! Just toooo soon

Jun 25, 2011

Adilkah Allah?


Allah tidak pernah silap dalam pentadbiran-Nya,
Semua yang berlaku atas kehendak-Nya,
Kuasa-Nya tidak akan berkurang sekalipun kau tidak menyembah-Nya.

Apa itu erti kehidupan?
Allah tidak pernah berjanji bahawa kehidupan ini akan sentiasa mudah...
kerana asas kehidupan itu adalah ujian serta cabaran...
Allah hanya berjanji Dia akan bersama-sama denganmu di sepanjang kehidupan ini.

Kerana apa Allah menciptakan kehidupan?
Yakni untuk melihat apa yang kamu akan usahakan dalam kehidupan kamu...
Itulah sebabnya mengapa orang bukan Islam pun boleh berjaya...
Kerana mereka telah BERUSAHA dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mengapa orang Islam sendiri masih melakukan kejahatan?
Kerana mereka tidak pernah BERUSAHA mengenal Tuhan mereka,
BERUSAHA mengenal Allah Yang Esa.
Kerana mereka tidak pernah BERUSAHA mendalami agama yang mereka anuti,
agama yang dijanjikan kemenangan oleh Allah,
Yakni agama Islam yang disampaikan oleh junjungan mulia Rasullulah sendiri.

Adilkah Tuhan?

Sila lihat video di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan kefahaman yang lebih jelas....

Jun 24, 2011

Technology deception

Assalamualaikum & gd evening to all reader,

For today post, i want to talk mainly about 'MAGIC'.
Have u ever seen a magic before?
What type of magic have u seen?
Is it using coin? watch? etc....

Mainly, the simplest magic (at least from the way i'm thinking) is by using card. A poker card.
This kind of magic is mainly based on the skill of the person.
The skill of their hand....to move the card smoothly for example. Or to hide it elsewhere.

But, this is more interesting that i found while surfing the internet.
A 'MAGIC' by using technology.
It is called 'deception'.

Have u ever heard a magic by using Iphone?
Quite weird isn't it?
Well....do believe it. Because it is true.

I don't know what kind of technology that 'he' is using....
either it is just an application? Or else?
Yeah, i never had an iphone, so i don't know quite deep about it.
Never mind....i've downloaded the video for u to see it.

Please, take a look at this video.....
hope it will amazed u too. Enjoy~

So, how's it?
For sure u're amazed by it....

So, after this, whenever u see a street magician, or performer....try ask them to show deception magic using this kind of technology. haha

That's all for now....enjoy~

Thanks for reading, salam

Jun 18, 2011

How to bypass a blocked website

Assalamualaikum and good evening to readers,

Since our goverment has launched an action to block any file-sharing website, we are now unable to access dozen of those. This also means that we can't download anything from these sites anymore. But, don't worry.....irzed is here to help solve this problem, at least i just give 1 example on how to bypass this blocked website.

I'll explain it by using a picture so that it'll be easier to understand....

1) Firstly, i would like to confirm whether it had been blocked or not....

megaupload.com has been blocked!

2) My next target is "ThePirateBay.org".....let's see

ThePirateBay.org seems unresponsive!

3) What i do next, is to open through a proxy website (i'll explain it later)

In this example, i chosed "vtunnel.com" as it is 1 of my favourite web proxy

Just open www.vtunnel.com and enter your prefered website in the box provided....let it be anything such as megaupload.com and click 'begin browsing' button just below it.

4) Here's the result....let's bypass the government filter,

That's it! No problem at all.....bravo

5) If u are still doubt about it, i'll show u another example. This time, i'm opening Piratebay.org

Yup...successfully bypassed it!

So, what're you waiting for....do it yourself. It's easy, simple and effective.

Here's another web proxy site that i trusted:

step same as before...

Do enjoy...


P/S : A little advise :

1) Remember, this is only 1 method on how to bypass the filter. Actually there are many more but i think i won't teach it publicly here. Bypass using proxy site are the most simplest way and please don't expect it to be 100% effective. Sometimes, even web proxy site can be blocked too. But the good news is, there are hundreds, thousands of proxy site that give the same service....so, you can choose from it.

2) Web proxy site works using third party, which mean data that we sent can be seen by the party user. That's how it works. But still, there are security that can protect us from it. Just for prevention.....please minimize the usage of sending information detail using web proxy site. In a simple word; don't enter your banking account number or your password by using these proxy site as 'they' might have the opportunity to 'see' it.

This is how it works...using third party

Use it with caution though....
Thanks for reading

Jun 16, 2011

Hackers VS. Malaysia Government!!!

Assalamualaikum & gd evening to all reader,

Since it's a catastrophic news nowadays...i want to talk a little bit about it. Can you guess it?

Well, recently our government took their action in order to protect copyright. This action is taken step-by-step. Until now, some major file-sharing website has been blocked and can't be access. The website that i've confirmed such as:

maybe, there's more...

Some citizen thinks that this action taken by the government is breaking the human right for internet freedom. Undoubtedly, this will effect the freedom of information as some of us use file-sharing over the internet to store some information. It doesn't means that all of the file in file-sharing website is illegal...just a portion of it.


Back to the issue; There's a group of people that called themselves as 'THE ANONYMOUS' appear as a hero. Their popularity suddenly increase as they are fighting with the government in order to stop the action. I bumped into this while surfing internet yesterday and my friend gave me a link of a video which contain a threat sent by The Anonymous to our government.

I'm amazed by their words....let's watch a short message from The Anonymous :

It seems that The Anonymous is kinda like a team consists of hackers from around the world and their objective is to protect human right in cyber world.

Their operation is called "Operation Malaysia".

From what i've seen on youtube, Malaysia is not the 1st and only country that been a target to The Anonymous. There're others who had been a target before such as Tunisia, Iran, Iraq and even Sony Company for disabling 1 of their software patch in PS3. It looks to me that this team of hackers are a world-class hackers.


The Anonymous has taken their action....our government portal is being attacked!!!

Read this news.
Yahoo News
Yahoo News 2
Kosmo Online

Good Job The Anonymous.....
I'll support you!

Damn, they're good....how can i be a good hackers like them. Before i end this post...this are some of their words that mesmerized me :

"For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared."

Thank you for reading.....

p/s: this is just my own opinion, no hard feelings.
-Freedom of speech- *peace

May 21, 2011

Changing Ubuntu 11.04 to Sabily 11.04 Al-Badr


This is the continous post from before. Before, i've told about the new release version of Ubuntu which is Ubuntu 11.04, Natty Narwhal. So, in this post, i want to explain on how to convert your Natty Narwhal into the new version of Sabily; Al-Badr.

It's Sabily Al-Badr...it's finally here.

So, to change it....run these command via terminal. Just press Alt+F2 to open the dash and search for terminal if there's no shortcut in launcher.
(Just copy & paste this command into your terminal)

1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sabily.team/ppa && sudo apt-get -q update

2. sudo apt-get install sabily

3. press "y" and enter

4. Wait about 10 to 20 minutes to finish.

5. Restart to complete converted.

6. Let the magic begins....

There is it, your Natty Narwhal has been transformed into Sabily Al-Badr, with original Al-Badr wallpaper and others Islamic softwaare. Plus, the Unity UI is still maintain in it, as you can see the Unity Launcher on the left side panel.

I thinks that's all for now....for any assistant, do visit here or here.

Hope this help. Thanks for reading. =)

May 19, 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 Final Released!

Assalamualaikum & gd evening,

It's been a long time since the last time i posted something about linux. So, in this post, i just want to inform the linux user out there or a linux wanna-be or computer/techno geeks or maybe a schoolnerd out there about the new release in one of linux distro, Ubuntu.

Before, it is Ubuntu 10.10; Maverick Meerkat but now, ubuntu developer team has released a new version of Ubuntu.

It is called.....
Ubuntu 11.04; Natty Narwhal

So, for ubuntu useer out there, what are you waiting for.....let's upgrade to Natty Narwhal. It seems like they developed new interface in this version. Plus, they have introduced a new UI in this latest version of Ubuntu. In the recent version (which is Ubuntu 10.10), we used (mostly) Gnome 3 as a linux UI-(stands for User Interface) but this time, in Natty Narwhal, they introduced Unity as the default UI. Although it seems like there is some controversial regarding this matter, in my opinion, this is a new step taken by Ubuntu developer to attract a new user who loves a brand new and unique interface. Thus, linux will be global OS-user and can compete with Michaelsoft. Ops...i mean Microsoft.

Sorry, can't describe in detail...that's just what i know from the surface. Right now, i'm upgrading my Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, then will i know what Natty Narwhal offer their user.

For those who do not know how to upgrade, here's a little tips :

For Ubuntu 10.10 user:
Click "System", "Administration" and scroll to the bottom and click "Update Manager". After searching for updates, it will show about a new release of Ubuntu and a button "Upgrade" just beside it. Just click it....(it will take some time though)

For other user :
Maybe you should just install a new copy of Natty Narwhal .iso then install it by yourself. For further information, you can search the web or ask any Ubuntu customer service, any ubuntu forum or can even ask me. I would try to help as i could.

Here's the download link : Ubuntu download center

I'm in the process of upgrading...

Well, it's all for now....until next post. Thanks for reading.

May 16, 2011

Semuanya Bermula dengan Guru...

Guess what? It's 16th May.....what is it?

Assalamualaikum & gd evening to all my reader,

Since it is 16th May which is an annual event of celebrating Teacher's day, i'll loves to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Teacher's Day to all my beloved teachers since i'm in kindergarten until now, in JAD programme. So, in this post, i would like to post a poem regarding the deeds of our teacher......it's entitled "Dariku untukmu Guru;"

Johan yang berliku telah kau luruskan,
Kabur penglihatan telah kau terangkan,
Kusut fikir telah kau leraikan,
Buntu kalbu telah kau ceriakan,
Malah, engkau adalah segalanya,
Punca segala kejayaan.

Dalam duka kau lemparkan senyuman,
Dalam resah kau himpunkan tawa riang,
Dalam sakit kau kentalkan semangat,
Dalam rindu kau sematkan kasih-sayang,
Pada anak-anak didik yang dahagakan ilmu.

Keranamu aku berada di puncak ini,
Keranamu aku menjadi insan bestari,
Keranamu aku bisa membaca dan mengira,
Keranamu aku menjadi insan mulia,
Kerana itu,
Aku akan terus mengingat dan mengenangmu,
Wahai guruku.

Engkaulah mawar,
Engkaulah penawar,
Engkaulah pelita,
Engkaulah pendeta,
Engkaulah jua,
ibu dan ayahku tika di sekolah.

Kerana tanpamu guru,
Siapalah aku....

I want to express my gratitude to those who had taught me until now, to those who i called teachers. Thank you for all your kindness, your knowledge and your concern, i'll not forget them.

As a second point, i want to apologize for the late wish....although tonight is the night of 17th of May, but this wish is sincerely from deep of my heart, specially to you, teachers....

This specially goes to my SDAR teachers....
look teacher, i still remember the 'profil pelajar SDAR' =)

Before ending this post, i would like to show a poem written by Usman Awang, a well-known Malaysian poet.

Jika hari ini seorang Raja menaiki takhta,
Jika hari ini seorang Presiden sebuah negara,
Jika hari ini seorang Ulama' yang mulia,
Jika hari ini seorang peguam menang bicara,
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka,
Jika hari ini siapa saja menjadi dewasa,
Sejarahnya dimulakan oleh seorang Guru biasa,
Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis-baca.

(Usman Awang-1979)

May 14, 2011

A moment in Universal Studio

Sourvenir that i bought....
occasionally with FIFA Rugby World Cup this year, haha

Assalamualaikum & good evening,

Sorry for being quite, busy with all those reports & quiz plus my wimax connection is having a problem (really slow speed). Quite a long time i didn't update my blog. So, here it goes....

like a vacation diary- this time is about the journey to Universal Studio. Pls don't think too far, just a country by the neighbourhood. Actually, it was during the labour day, early of May. We went there by public transport mostly, my mom doesn't know Singapore's road. Let me brief a little bit, first, we took bus from JB Sentral to Kranji, Singapore. There, we took MRT until the last station on North East Line which is Harbour Front. Then, we took a monorail into Sentosa Island to Waterfront Station (that's where Universal Studio located)....

Universal Studio Singapore or best known as USS

Let picture do the talking....enjoy watching!


Taking MRT from Kranji to Dhoby Ghaut and changed to North East Line
to Harbour Front and directly to Sentosa station

Gonna ride the Sentosa Monorail to "Sentosa Island ; where the fun starts here"

Ops, missing an 'A' and quite a half 'S' back there!

Behind this picture is the real big 'UNIVERSAL' globe....
they closed it for maintenance

Oh...is it true? It's...Marilyn Monroe!!!

Having lunch at Goldilocks Cafe...
seriously, the chicken was better than KFC

Fruit punch; just a regular drink in an irregular bottle...

Ogre; Shrek's houseyard

One of the Steven Spielberg special effect scene.....damned great.
No wonder he can produce many great film; Transformers the best example

Hannan pn nek gk roller-coaster laju ni.....すげぇな俺の妹

The Mummy; Storyline based indoor roller-coaster, bring the most excitement to me. =)


Again, missing a letter 'D' at the back....
Almaklumlah, just using a simple digicam, not a DSLR with widening
