Oct 28, 2012

CoFesta Foreign Student Ambassador?

Assalamualaikum & Good evening,

During early of this month, i've been asked by my friend to register for CoFesta Foreign Student Ambassador for this year. He is a cambodian who have finished his study here in Japan and now is doing his internship in one of job-hunting company in Japan. He is quite an active person as he is usually involved in such ASEAN/foreign student programme or events. Maybe i should be lucky and grateful that i've met him and became one of his friends; as i can get many infos regarding such activities/events from him. 

Well, back to the topic of CoFesta.....maybe you are wondering what the h#ll is CoFesta means? Well....you're not alone as I'm wondering too (during that moment). Well, i'll exlain a little about it here....right in this post. 



今月の始まりぐらいに、俺のカンボジアから来た友達; 「コ・フェスタ留学生アンバサダーを応募してください」という願いを言われた。彼は大学からもう卒業して、今は日本の会社の一つでインターンシップをやっている。彼は留学生時代に、こんな交流なイベントをよく参加した。何とか活動的な人と言える。だからこそ、こんな人と友達になったきっかけは、いろいろな行うイベントの情報をもらえるし、俺にとってすごくとんでもない機会だ。本当に感謝します。

また、トピックに戻る! コ・フェスタについて何でだろう?多分今時コ・フェスタを言ったら、ほとんどの人が分からないと思う。


So, what is CoFesta ? コ・フェスタとは?

CoFesta is the collective term for all the exhibitions held in Japan that are related to Japanese contents. Exhibitions connected with the contents industry like games, animation, manga, characters, broadcast, music and film are held in cooperation with each other. CoFesta holds 29 exhibitions this year! Last year, 2.3 million people from all over the world came to CoFesta!

コ・フェスタとは、日本コンテンツの展示会の集合体です。日本が誇るゲーム、アニメ、マンガ、     キャラクター、放送、音楽、映画といったコンテンツ産業およびファッション、デザイン等コンテンツと親和性の高い産業に関わる各種展示会が連携して開催されます。コ・フェスタの枠組みで開催される展示会の数はなんと29イベント!昨年度は全体で230万人がコ・フェスタへ来場しました。

Why is CoFesta necessary? なぜコ・フェスタは必要なのか?

The market size of Japanese contents industry is about 12 trillion yen which is 2nd largest in the world (130 trillion yen worldwide). However export rate of them is only about 5%, so most of them are consumed within Japan (Moreover, over 97% of the export is from videogames!) To overcome this situation, CoFesta has very important role of promoting the Japanese contents to the world.


About CoFesta Foreign Student Ambassador? 

CoFesta Foreign Student Ambassador are selected among international students who study in Japan and important promoters of Japanese contents. Their missions are :
①To understand the Japanese contents industry
②To introduce Japanese contents to their country
③To deliver opinions from their country to Japan

International students know the cultures of both Japan and their country, and have a great power of promoting their interests. We highly value these facts and would like to appoint you as CoFesta student ambassador which we will provide you the best opportunities related to Japanese contents.
The selection of CoFesta Student Ambassador will be made by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry and the CoFesta Executive Committee.


日本と自国の両方の文化を知る外国人留学生の意見、そして発信力はとても価値があります。   それらを評価し、私たちはあなたたちをコ・フェスタ留学生アンバサダーに任命し、日本コンテンツに関わる様々な機会を提供したく思います。

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